Free Content & Low-Price Investments Will Grow Your Business

Free Content & Low-Price Investments Will Grow Your Business

Have you considered using free content and the purchase of low-prices in your business?

Using free content and purchasing low-priced things for business was the last thing on my mind.

I couldn’t figure this out for the life of me. My business budget includes advertising, marketing, and self-development.

One thing is for sure, after looking at my numbers, I can see how I remain intentional about all of the checks and balances.

However, there came a point where I knew I needed more to get ahead, but my budget wouldn’t allow. How in the world do you try to get more and use precise judgment with so many search engine results?

I’ll tell you how–by using FREE content, evaluation measures, and knowing who to trust for your business matters.

Some business moments and decisions require your undivided attention. No time for the phone, texting, conversations, non-sense or television. So, be sure to turn off every distraction when evaluating what to use for free content and low-prices.

I’ve boosted my personal and professional development in business. Oh, I’m not referring to signing up for those $2500, $6k or more coaching or consultation sessions. (For the record, they do work and will help you scale upwards much faster). I’m referring to you know, the free and low-priced stuff.
Once you grow in business and your mind shifts to understanding the knowledge gaps that need filling, you’ll make different moves towards betterment.

Low-Price Things To Consider For Business Growth

After I left the classroom, I knew I needed a person-mentor or two to take my years of professional training coupled with many years of experience to a new level per se.
Another part of my training suggests to not be all over the place with every Tom, Jane, Sally, Leroy, Jill, Linda, and I think you get my point.
Honestly, two or three (people) mentors at most are all you need. I’m adding the word person to mentor due to the fact that we have many mentors.
An old bible verse says, “You have many teachers, but very few fathers.” The actual definition of a mentor is a leader with experience whom you trust to advise you. See the keyword here? It’s trust. A mentor is someone you trust.
High-end experts can charge up to $20k or more for one-to-one coaching services. It is a known fact that they will get you a larger ROI. But, some of them have different programs with you in mind.

Mentoring & Coaching Groups for Low-Prices

One low-price investment to consider is monthly group coaching. Think of this experience as a classroom experience, where you share the teacher with other students.
Group coaching usually runs around $97 per month some are cheaper. But there are benefits to this. You’ll get LIVE weekly coaching, chances to submit your pages, websites, sales copy, email marketing copy, headlines, funnels and more for evaluation.
In most cases, you’ll receive access to their courses that you can take self-paced for your convenience.
If this price is still too steep, consider purchasing courses and webinars at low prices. Just carefully examine what each covers to determine if it fits your needs.
There are various trustworthy experts out there. Just make sure they are the right fit for you.
I highly recommend the groups to get the bang for your buck. Will it require some sacrifice? Absolutely! There are many ways to come up with more money per month for your business.

Free Content For Your Business Growth

You see, this is where the magic happens for you. When you take what you already know and include the years of practice, this already takes you to expert status.
But, experts don’t stop here. I’ve always been trained to continue with self-development and professional development.
You may do this by registering for seminars, webinars, networking events, coaching groups, etc. And, it may very well work for a while. I know because I’ve tried every single one.
While this helped me to scale just enough, it wasn’t quite enough. Perhaps you’re the type who wants to really see results that will last a lifetime but have little to no money for it.
So, while joining one coaching group and staying with it for a year, I began to read many books, articles, and magazines.
Free Content & Low-Price Investments Will Grow Your Business
(Hint: I listened very closely to the materials and publications my two mentor’s read, and followed the experts they follow to get free content).
Seriously, there are MANY nuggets in the right books from the right experts. And, don’t forget the strategies you learned while working at any job.
Some books cost full price, others are half-priced and free. Free content is everywhere. Look at the titles and headlines to determine whether or not they address what you’re looking for in your business.
Amazon-Kindle has lots of free reads, too. I currently use an app called Newsify. It allows you to categorize specific articles and blogs that align with your market and niche.
The app gets the latest releases from all major publications. There are many articles that give stats, how-tos, and listicles for your blogging, marketing, and writing needs. Pretty cool, right?


Overall, sometimes you want to take the extra money and use on ad spend. I totally get this. So, because this is my mindset, too, I had to look into other ways to get optimized results.

This particular way may feel like the long haul, but it works. Plus, it’s a strategy many business owners use. Day by day you learn what works for you and share the knowledge.

I remember the days of frustration and feelings of overwhelm because of no extra money for the high-end mentors. Work with what you got!

Free content and low-price investments will certainly help your business with gains and profits. Just be clear on your goals and what to look for to accomplish them.

Leave a comment! I’d love to hear from you. I read and respond to my community.

Images are courtesy of Pixabay.


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