Are you willing to hear feedback about your marketing strategies?

Are You Willing To Hear Feedback About Your Marketing Strategies?

Listen to this marketing story. I recently read a post that confirmed my truest feelings and understandings towards marketing.

A wise consultant worked with his client on business marketing strategies for years. He and the client met consistently once per week for his consulting services.

Their phone conferences sometimes lasted over two hours. The following week they were scheduled to speak, but the client never called or emailed to say anything.

About two weeks later, the wise consultant received a call from the client’s wife to say that he died.

Both were crushed and cried.

During the course of their conversation, the wife continued to cry with fears about how to make it. The consultant instantly agreed to show her everything about her husband’s business.

Plus, he said (with intention), “Don’t you worry about anything. We will pick up where he and I left off. I will teach and show you everything for the business and make money. You will be fine. I promise”

The Meaning of Marketing in Context

Interestingly, when I Google the standard meaning of marketing, it means “the action or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising.”

But, another writer pens it this way. “Marketing is the study and management of exchange relationships. Marketing is used to create, keep and satisfy the customer.”

I agree with the latter wholeheartedly.

Building relationships with your prospective customers, fans, and clients is essential to your marketing and writing strategy.

Also included in building relationships is keeping the customer satisfied. All of this because a happy customer or client will refer your services and bring others to you.

For some reason, the standard meaning of marketing bothers me. It feels like a tactic with only one motive and that’s to make money or use the market only to your advantage.

Reminds me of the build your followers tactic on some social media platforms. You know, the ones spam your page with nonsense comments and use the follow unfollow method just to build followers.

Or, the pushy seller who’s only concerned about making a dollar by being relentless about his or her offer.

It’s honestly a turnoff.

The Marketing Relationship Strategy I Use With My Clients

Remember earlier when I told you the story about the post that resonated with what I believe marketing really is?

Here’s why I loved the narrative immensely.

One day Saturday (on my day off), I spent the majority of the morning calling ALL of my clients. They didn’t expect a call from me.

I did something I’ve yet to master in my life. I wanted to randomly surprise them with:

  1. More making money goodies and
  2. A self-evaluation performance.

I didn’t know what to expect. Our initial conversations only tested the waters per se. As a business owner, connecting has to be the right fit. This isn’t a negative.

It’s a fact you don’t connect with everyone for consulting purposes. Free consultations help determine how and if the business transaction will move forward.

My clients are dear to my heart. And, they know this. So, I called each of them to give details about next marketing phases in our next sessions.


Prior to the good news, I asked some hard questions. Questions I wanted straight truths about my performance. Specific evaluations help to inform your performance.

I came up with the following business, marketing, and self-evaluative questions to help me better serve their marketing and writing needs. Plus, I desired to deepen our business relationship.

  • How is this experience working for you?
  • In what areas do you feel more help is needed?
  • How are the calls and our schedule working?
  • How is my delivery of the information?
  • Are you learning specifics about your industry?
  • Are you happy with the results thus far?
  • If you could change anything about our sessions, what would it be?

Was I ready to hear bluntness? Absolutely. I positioned myself to accept any answers as constructive criticism.

In what ways does a person accept thoughts and opinions of others?

At first glance, it’s certainly a process. You must know the intentions of the clients. Are they out to hurt you? Are they trying to manipulate? Do they constantly project their hurts and fears on you? Believe it or not even business partnerships project their internalizations on people.

  • Evidence of their ruptures surface through:
  • Pessimism
  • Negativity
  • Never seeing the positive side of things
  • Extremely distant and cold
  • Mean natured
  • Uses hurtful words
  • Non-Approachable
  • Asserts their authority wrongly
  • Insensitive to the company’s needs
  • Presents constant power struggles

When people are genuine and care about your growth and development, you’ll know it. These intentions will resonate with you.

And, you’ll be receptive to their answers and approaches because you already believe there are no wrong motives. Of course, you need balance here.

Plus, wanting more and better means you’ll do better. This makes it a lot easier.

To my surprise, I received great feedback and the news of each extending their time with my services.

Providing the news about an increase in knowledge and money BLEW THEIR MINDS! I had intentions for this to happen!

My objective is always to strengthen the core of our business relationship. And as you can see


Finally, what I learned from these encounters with my clients is to keep myself in a ready position for growth.

Growing is a process.

Showing patience towards people and leaders proves the intents of the heart. My clients have beautiful hearts and I wouldn’t trade them for the world.

Always be willing to hear certain truths about your marketing strategies and writing. Feedback and constructive criticism are essential to your business and relationship building.


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