How To Kickstart Your Online Startup Business: Change Your Circle

How To Kickstart Your Online Startup Business: Change Your Circle

The Online Startup Business Curiosity

Do you know how many people are curious about an online startup business?

According to, “51% of people have inquired about an online startup. The inquiries spark because there’s a broader sense of self-awareness that tells them to startup an online business of some kind.

But, here’s the kicker and honest talk for you. It’s fun, rewarding and takes lots of hard work. When you shift from curiosity to actual an online business startup, your mindset must be all in for the process.

How To Kickstart Your Online Startup Business: Change Your CircleShould you depend on family and friends during an online startup business?

The saying, “You’re family and friends won’t support your business is right, in part. There is a remnant of individuals you already know.

They’re waiting for your idea to help them move forward. When you recognize your business has a resolution for others, there is a way to approach them.

However, the first step is knowing whether your online startup business provides adequate and vital solutions to their problems. Secondly, it is wise to see if they’re approachable for assistance. Beginning to get your online startup business noticed can start with one or two people you already know.

Leave your expectations at the door. Your family and friends may not support your idea. And, this is okay. Sure. They’ll show happiness at the beginning, but this will change.

Eventually, you’ll observe a shift in many of them. They will not pull out their credit cards per se as quickly anymore.

Part of this behavior is because family and friends don’t always want to hear about your online startup business process.

Trust me. Once you begin your online startup business, this endeavor will dominate your life, thoughts, conversations and time.

When you’re all in, nothing else matters. This reason is why you have to change your circle.

Now you must surround yourself with like-minded people–more business owners and entrepreneurs.

Here’s a quick approach to getting that friend or family member to sign-up for your service or product

There are many online startup businesses you already have background info about. It’s all a matter of how receptive they will be for your services.

Some people don’t mix business with pleasure. No need to waste time on those who don’t combine the two. Rather, use your energy for the few that are open-minded. The open-minded people will be grateful for your help and will gladly accept your offer.

Initially, it’s best, to begin with, a simple email, text, or instant message with something like,

“Hey! I understand your intentions and passion for your business. I now work with owners to help with _________. You’ve served as a great capacity in my life, and I believe that we have many solutions to push your company to the next level. Would you consider having a conversation to speak more about this?”

These words are a guide for you to tweak, or flat out use them. Don’t use savvy business language.

Speak more personally–as if it were a regular conversation inquiring about how their business is going. It’s ok to be vulnerable and make them aware of your new start.

Use email. This means of communication is high in demand because it creates a beautiful paper trail to use later.

In this case, you use it to write content for later and during consultations as a means to help your clients.

Many businesses can grow in 90 days with new customers using the email strategy. Once they respond, you can lock in customers by using more relational conversation strategies.

Be sure to discuss particulars and have them sign contracts/waivers (if needed) before any consultation.

Begin correctly with capturing emails by using an opt-in form on your website. There are many online sites available for these services. I highly recommend Aweber. It is user-friendly and the most used by many experts.

Initially, I called some and had conversations based on their needs, my performance and gave examples with realistic numbers for their product exposure.

I mentioned that I’d demonstrate how to use at minimum three social platforms to help gain reach and exposure to an audience of roughly 300k and write their advertisements weekly for the campaign.

I also used this approach with those I am editing books for because they need marketing as well. I discussed the importance of self-publishing and walked them through the numbers. Before the end of the conversations, I gained commitments and trust.

Study tools are great resources needed for your professional development and self-growth. The consistency of research, reading, and study informs your strategies.

How the new circle helps your online startup business

One of my clients often says, “Jacqueline, I understand now why I need more business owners around. My friends and family members don’t support like they used to.”

She’s right. Being around other online business owners who genuinely understand the startup phase, will undoubtedly lead you in the right direction.

Also, do everything possible to connect with six and seven figure earners. They will blow your mind with TONS of information!

If you can’t connect personally with them, begin to read EVERYTHING they release online. Follow and like all of their social media pages.

Business owners who understand the real sweat and tears it takes to have a successful online business are the ones to glean from.

These hard workers will tell you the following:

Buyers often require some altering of your product or service to fit and meet their wants. It’s all about what your market wants. Give them what they want.

Read a lot of articles, books and blogs, and purchase courses that surround your expertise. But, don’t overspend on the courses. After some time, they’ll collect dust because you’ll soon forget about them.

Be sure to have plenty of notebooks and writing space to take notes.


Finally, before this catapult in my online startup business, I retired (at 38 years old) from teaching high school English for 13 years. My husband and I already had a budget and plan in place for our bills and advertising.

We projected roughly six months for “security” with believing that the business would yield income either before or by our deadline.

It looks like we are traveling in the right direction. God, plus adding faith to work, continues to sustain us at each stage of business.

Don’t forget to keep your online startup business covered in prayer and faith. It is necessary to remove all negative energy from it and yourself.

Image courtesy of unsplash and pixabay

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