Facebook Image by William Iven

Facebook’s news feed change: Everything you need to know

The establishment of Facebook as the biggest social media platform has made it one of the biggest platforms of online marketing and advertising as well. If your business was advertising on Facebook, or, if you were planning on advertising on Facebook, then you should read the following points. Jacqueline T. Hill will be glad to help you:

What this change means:

Facebook saw a minute decline in the time its users were spending on it. This is not a good sign for any social media, which solely depends on its users. With this change, Facebook clearly shows that it cares more about its users and not about the advertisers that pay it. Users will begin to get more feed of their friends and relatives and less feed of the advertised pages. Still, Jacqueline T. Hill is here to help you.

How it will affect you:

The impact of this change will be significant. If your business relied mostly on Facebook advertising, then the effect will be major. You will begin to get less traffic from this social media platform. However, as a user of Facebook, you will get a more friendly and realistic feed. As a business, you will have to employ new strategies to avoid the degradation of the number of visitors or users you were getting from the platform. However, Jacqueline T. Hill has prepared a few tips, which will turn the tables for you.

How to use it to your advantage:

You will have to change your advertising strategy in this case. Instead of making marketing content, you will have to make user-friendly and engaging content for your followers. Facebook is not saying that it will stop showing your advertisements. It is just going to reduce your advertisements. Nevertheless, if you will create content that is focused on your followers, then you will be able to use this change to your advantage. With good content, you will be able to outgrow your competition as well. That is so because most business will focus on either creating more ads or leaving Facebook. Both of these methods are wrong, so you should strive to create more engaging content and make full use of this opportunity.

This article was originally published on Buzzfeed.com written by Shopno99


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